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Krypta Map - Jaskinia Behemota

Accidental hero


Średnia (75x75)
Poziom trudności
Wielki Kontynent
Warunki wygranej
Znalezienie drogi powrotnej do domu.
Warunki przegranej
Utrata określonego bohatera.
Graczy ludzkich
Graczy komputerowych
Wyświetlono szczegóły
3334 razy
2830 razy
Średnia ocena

Młody bohater cudem ratuje się przed śmiercią "wyskakując" z portalu i znajdując się... No właśnie, w innym świecie. Tam musi szybko wydorośleć i zdobyć potrzebną moc, aby móc wrócić do swego ojczystego kraju i oczyścić go z agresorów. Scenariusz zawiera w sobie wiele skryptów, chat misji i zdarzeń i trudnych walk. Aby ułatwić przebieg rozgrywki autor umieścił kilkanaście wskazówek, które poniżej zamieszczę, więc ambitniejsze osoby proszę o nieczytanie:
Short tips:
1)Own the Water Portal
2)Visit all Keepers of four Magic Schools
3)Go to the north-west for opening way to th Great Alchiemest
4)Go to the Alchiemest(north-east) and destroy mountains with his
help. Remember: don't go to the side ways before two tunnels to the
Underground will be opened. In another case Alchiemest will go home,
and you will must visit his home again - it takes your time.
5)Choose second magic school and receive Quest of School:
Life - defeat the garrison near town which named Amenaz
Death - kill two heroes: Valdemar&Kathleen
Chaos - find the Mayhem staff
Order - make the Temple of Order free
6)Visit the Keeper of the Maze, find all wise men, then guess the
Keyword. In The Maze you must enter all letters of the Keyword in
correct order. Map of the Maze:
* * * * * * * * * * * * *||
A B C D E F G H I J K L M||||
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z||||
* * * * * * * * * * * * *||
For activate letter you must visit place behind sign with
letter(symbol "*"). Don't walk behind wrong letters! When the last
letter will be activated, go to the end of the Maze(symbol "!"). If
you are right treasure will be yours. In another case, your hero will
die. So, save game before entering the Maze.

/-----------\ Map: *-houses of wise men;
| * * | L-The Maze
| |
| * |
| * L |
| |
| |
| |
|* |
7)Retirn to the swamp and kill hero named Master of Crocodiles, then
go to the one-way portal
8) Go to the undergrond of Institute of magic(it will be availible
after step 8)
9) Filomena must talk with Traidor.After it she will die.
10)Find Apprentice of Alchiemest on the north of underground. He will
make bombs for Traidor's fortress. To complete his quest you must go
to the nearest lava lake.
11) Return to Traidor's fortress and take tomb of Filomena
12) Capture two towns. After it way to the sanctuary will be opened.
13) Go throw the portal to the world of lava, where you must complete
quest of your school.
14) After it go to the closed Tunnel to the surface. It will be opened
15) Visit last oracle, take the treasure and make one step to the
magic wall with it. If you already have treasure of the Maze the wall will
disappear. In another case go to the Maze and take it's treasure.
Without it the wall will not disappear.
16) Enter the portal. It's the end!


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