Might and Magic ORIGINAL v1.0
- Autor
- Technocrat
- Rozmiar
- G (252x252)
- Poziom trudności
- Bardzo Trudny
- Język
- Angielski
- Podziemia
- Tak
- Woda
- Wielki Kontynent
- Fabuła
- Tak
- Warunki wygranej
- pokonanie bohatera
- Warunki przegranej
- utrata wszystkich bohaterów i zamków
- Graczy ludzkich
- 7
- Graczy komputerowych
- 1
- Wyświetlono szczegóły
- 2006 razy
- Pobrano
- 990 razy
- Średnia ocena
- 3.5000000000000000
Description: One-Map Campaign based on the most detailed recreation of the world of Enroth. Explore Antagarich, Vori, Nighon, Western and Eastern Jadame, as well as intricate secrets of the underground. Lead one of the seven nations to challenge the Divine Alliance of three nations, the Triumvirat.
Playable factions - Inferno, Castle, Stronghold, Rampart, Dungeon, Tower, Necropolis
Zarejestruj się i zaloguj, aby dodać komentarz. To potrwa tylko chwilę.
Quest guards 200,6 and 210, 6 have not requirements.
Rzeznik RZK, these quest guards are placeholders, which do not serve a specific role, since there is a guard in front of them, as you could probably see in the editor.
The map was well tested in singleplayer multiple times as well as in 4-player PvP multiplayer campaigns 3 times, it's safe to play and enjoy the open world of Enroth, as well as the new gameplay this map features out.
Since the map features a lot of gameplay nuances, I created the dedicated discord channel, which features additional map info, which is good to know while playing the map.
Also, I'm open to answer arising questions or hear about your experience.
I'm especially interested to hear from the person who managed to complete this map from the the first attempt.
Additional guideline about map progression.
Might and Magic features an unlinear zone-based approach, where you will have multiple options which zone to dive in, while progressing between different zone grades (difficulty of the zone).
Here is the indicative gradation of zones and gameplay progression :
1. Starting zone (Unique for each playable faction) (Month 1 - 2)
2. Native Biome (Handful of zones unique for each faction) (Month 2 - 3)
3. Neutral zones (~25 zones) (Month 3-4)
4. Neutral Legacy Zones (3 zones with neutral towns - depending on the version - Fortress/Rampart, Cove/Dungeon, Conflux/Stronghold) (Month 4-5)
5. Legacy Zones (7 zones with towns of playable factions) (Month 5-6)
6. Optional Zones (Fergamo, Dragonhead, Darqtane Volcano, Underground Bridges, Styx' Dark Current) (Month 6-7)
7. Epic Zones (Glarean Mines, Faerie Pools, Azure Grotto, Red Dwarf Mines, Portal Maze, Dragon Utopy, Frigid Tunnels) (Month 7-9)
8. Zones of the Gods (Vori, Blood Caldera, Emerald Island, Lost Sanctum) (Month 9-11)
Mapa niegrywalna , tzn w rozsadnym czasie czyli 2 -4 dni . Moze jak ktos lubi siedziec i przez miesiac lub dwa grac po kilka godzin to dla niego to cos jest ok. Ja nie lubie zbierac 1k arcydiabłow z 3 zamków zeby pokonac jednego przeciwnika. Na pozostalych pewnie kolejne 1.5k . Dalem sobie spokój gdy 3000 chochlików z bohaterem na 24 lewelu poleglo z 42 arcydiablami.