Harry Potter: Rise Of Darkness
- Autor
- Zealot
- Rozmiar
- Średnia (75x75)
- Poziom trudności
- Zaawansowany
- Język
- Angielski
- Podziemia
- Tak
- Woda
- Wielki Kontynent
- Fabuła
- Tak
- Warunki wygranej
- Pokonanie bohatera.
- Warunki przegranej
- Utrata określonych bohaterów.
- Graczy ludzkich
- 1
- Graczy komputerowych
- 2
- Wyświetlono szczegóły
- 2555 razy
- Pobrano
- 1594 razy
- Średnia ocena
- 0
Description: A new year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter is about to begin. It starts out as all the previous years, but develops to be beyond Harry's imagination. Numerous dangers lie in front of him, and they are all preparing for the rise of darkness.
First, read and remember the hints displayed on day 1.
If you don't know much about Harry Potter, then read on.
Harry Potter is a wizard who go to a boarding school named Hogwarts, where he learn his magic. Before each school year, he must buy supplies for the coming year, and choose which subject he wants to study. At school, there are four houses, which competes against each other. Harry belongs to the Gryffindor house, and each of his thriumps give his points, but bad behaviour cost points. Below are lists of places and people he will meet:
Azkaban- a highly guarded prison
Diagon Alley- where Harry gets his supplies
Hogsmeade- a village close to Hogwarts
Durmstrang- another school of magic, but an evil one
Dumbledore- the principal at Hogwarts
Severus Snape- the mean potions teacher
Draco Malfoy- an evil student, Harry's enemy
Dementor- A guard from Azkaban
Hermoine- Harrys friend
Ron- Harrys friend
Hagrid- the ranger at Hogwarts
Voldemort- an evil wizard, one of the worlds best
Karkaroff- the former, evil principal of Durmstrang, and follower of Voldemort
Wormtail/Peter Pittigrew- An evil wizard, follower of Voldemort
Uncle Vernon- Harrys mean uncle
Sirius Black- An innocent wizard, who has been blamed for a crime Wormtail did. Harrys godfather
The basilisk- A monster Harry defeated
Cornelius Fudge- the minister of magic
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