\HH$GAdjudicationLast Hope, Part III(play Last Hope and THUNK - Last Hope II - before playing this Episode in the Last Hope series)es)HHD(gH K"c Ec H"c ,#c Զn I8  -Kc Dc Fc Jc( Gc( DcD * ( KԳcy * GcE + * IԵcy + G#- + HԷcI y - DcB o - EԳcx o DԴcx o HԵ8K x J gC " FԷ cx " K c! " Hc! Ic )h*c  Tj+ Qj,d Tj-d "h.c  ,c Fc E!c Jc Ic Fc G!c D c I f J g K #g JԳg HԴ}c EԵf GxHcDc,#g "hRhX8X8UfbUcRcTnVQSV\86R]g6sg|\|]d|^dEl Ed Dnd Kndo Ddy &hcj R#jck Wjd Sjd "jd c ,c Ec Fc( Ic( ) Dc* ( H1#* , D#+ * F3#+ , H#- + I5#: - , Dco - Gco I cF " o EJcM { " Jc= " ElL> " IlM? ! 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You may regret it.FBurtonL.*JordanL <.GeorgeFxBlackburnL@  !Portal to Cordia, SouthF 00100Factory QR3F Factory FX5FxForder OaksF--.-- Factory G2H1zOld Factory Swamp. Pfew... does this place stink. Oh, read chapter one after taking over the town to the west.FxWestmoorFSheltemburgFxCorackstonLxi L o  L%xi Lxi After what seems like weeks of being in prison, you are wakened in the middle of the night by a man wearing dull chain mail and a billowing cape. It is dark, and though you can't see his face, his raspy voice is clear. "Lord Corribus? Are you awake, Sire?" You shake the nausea of recent waking away and croak back, your parched throat finding it difficult to function, "Who is there?" The man shifts, motioning to someone behind him. "It is I,sire, George of Winscott. I have come to rescue you, sire." A distant memory seems to drift by your area of consiousness. Yes.. George... "George!" you cry, grabbing the man by his overcoat and giving him a hug. This was George, the son of Robin Winscott, a very prominant political figure in your native country of Holbark. "How did you find me?" George looks around nervously. "Please be quiet sire. We have found a wayout of here. I was ordered by my father to rescue you and rescue you I have. Although Darrence has taken firm control of the council, he has enemies. They have provided me with the means to sneak in a small force and break you out of this prison\ Look, I don't have much time. Come morning, you shall leave this place. You are on a heavily guarded island. You must head south from here until you find my ship. Do not tarry, sire, for if you arekilled then our hope is lost. An ally in the region will be contacting you once you have found a place to hide out for a while." George turns away and begins to leave, but you grab his arm. "Will you be coming with us George?" George smiles and clasps your shoulders. "I'm afraid not, m'Lord. I will be attending to your diversion." With that, he fades into the darkness. Just one more day, and you will be away from this place.This map was created by Tim Duncan. Please email me at tduncan(a)haverford.edu if you have any comments or suggestions. If you liked it, make sure you play the next episode, Last Hope IV, Toran Rift.@0ucomp boost pur@***0ucomp boost yelYou awake early in the morning to find your shackles loose and the door to your cell ajar. In a second you are on your feet. Acting quickly, you run to the cell next door, which is also open. On the cold, stone floor your younger sister is asleep. Kneeling down, you gently wake her up. "Catarina," you whisper. She stares at you in a sleepy daze. "Catarina," you repeat, "Come, it is time to go." It doesn't take her long to comprehend. With speed that rivals your own, she is ready and out the door. In the hallway, you see George, carrying a bloody sword, and a group of armored men. He has a bitter frown cast across his face. You begin to throw your arms around your savior, but he holds up a hand and shakes his head. "There is a problem, Corribus," he says solemnly. "Although we have succeeded in capturing one of the enemy's forts and freeing you from prison, theenemy in turn has found one of our boats and sank it. I hope I don't have to explain the consequences of this problem to you." He eyes Catarina, who stands behind you. In shock, you stammer, "You can't mean.." With words failing you, George finishes your thoughts, "Only one of you can leave." In a fury you shout, shaking your head, "I will not leave her here!" Catarina grabs you by the shoulder. "Brother, he is right. You must leave me. We must bring Councilor Darrence to justice. Whatever foul plan he has enacted with that savage Mok Choi must be stopped. If I must be sacrificed, then so be it. I will stay and help George with your diversion." You contemplate continuing the argument with her, but a warning look from her tells you that you should keep your mouth shut. After a few moments of silence, George interrupts, "Sire, you must leave now. Some of my troops will accompany you in case you run into resistance. Head south and you will find my boat. Do hurry. I," he looks at Catarina, ".. We.. can't hold them off forever." We turns and storms back down the hallway. You embrace Catarina a last time and whisper in her ear, "Do not worry, sister. I will be back for you." She nods and you follow after George, leaving your only family in the paws of the enemy.As you emerge from the gate, a sudden realization comes over you. "I know this place!" you say aloud. This is a remote province of the Continent of Corgarian. Though not officially affiliated with any nation, it is governed by the Council. Why would they have build a prison all the way out here on Lake Taylor? If memory serves, there is a small town on an island directly south of here.Warning... this sphinx is one of those new digital models. They only accept answers in numerical form. If the answer is four, write 4!This is the small village you remember from your vacations to this area as a small child. It seems it has grown in size. What is Darrence up to? One of your scouts comes galloping towards your vantage point at the top of the hill. He jerks to a halt, sending dust flying into the air. After a quick salute, he reports, "Sire, the town is guarded by a small garrison of troops, but I think we can take them." You smile and dismiss him.Now that you have a place in which you can hide out, it is time to consider what to do. As if an answer to your thoughts, you are disturbed by a hard rapping at the door of the old house you are using for an office. An armored man enters the room, and by the amount of dust on his overcoat, he must have traveled hard. He goes down on one knee and then rises. "Sire, I bring news from Winscott. His Lordship, Count Robin, has remained loyal toyou, Sire, as you probably already know. Of course, he hasn't let Darrence know this. He has done what he can for you, m'Lord, but I'm afraid he cannot do too much more without risking discovery. Our secret and tenuous hold on this area will be lost in the next couple of days, as Darrence's forces have laid seige to our only castle in the area." You raise a hand to interrupt, "What do you mean Darrence's forces? He is not a general!" The man seemstaken aback. "M'Lord," he replies, "Darrence has laid claim to all of your lands in the name of the Council, which he also speaks for. I'm afraid he commands all of your armies." Your silence signifies your understanding. "Anyway, m'Lord. You should know that although Darrence's scheme is unknown to us, it is known that this area is the center of his plan. Something is going on here, else why would he have built such a strong fortificationLIt is said there can be treasure found near where the earth bleeds.out here in the middle of nowhere? I suggest you investigate it before you return... IF you return. We are not so sure that would be the best idea right now." You rub your chin while considering your options. Finally, you tell the messenger that you will send someone out immediately to investigate activity in the area and that he should find a place to rest for the evening before he returns to Winscott.O You send several scout out today with orders to report back in a week's time. It is also known that Winscott's ties to the area have been almost entirely severed (although Darrence supposedly doesn't know Winscott was behind the rebel activity in this area). You are now all alone...A scout returns early in the morning. Not bothering to grab a bite to eat, he comes straight into your office, salutes, and begins speaking quickly. "Sire, I have bad news. It is true something big is transpiring in this remote region. I'm not exactly sure what they are sire, but I came across three enormous factories. I didn't get close enough to get a good look, but my guess is that magic is involved. I--" Grabbing the scout by the shoulder,you interrupt him, "Factories? THREE?" The guard stammers. "Well, there could be more. I only SAW three. But of course--" You nearly throw the guard down as you storm out of the room. So THAT is what Darrence is planning! That is what he meant by saying that there was more than one THUNK. People almost dive out of your way as you stomp angrily down the dusty street. Another man cautiously approaches, and you catchyourself before you plow him over. "Yes?" you bark. "Sire, I have returned and bring you news. Resources in the area are in short supply. If you are going to need quantities of ore and crystal, the barbarians to the northwest control many mines." Calming down, you politely thank the man. Well, you certainly cannot remain in hiding. If Darrence is making more THUNKS, he must be stopped. And a good place to start would bein destroying those factories. There are probably more than three, and they are likely to be heavily guarded. Of course to do this, you will need an army, and to raise an army you need resources. You call out to the scout and tell him that you need information on the island from which you recently escaped. After all, someone has to be in charge of this local operation...Looks like those taverns finally paid off. Wedged in between a rock and another hard place, you find a shiny new sword. And to think, you didn't even have to kill anyone for it!FWe warned you. Better hope those THUNKs are already dead...LThe THUNK containment area holds the secret to a powerful artifact.This is the center of the THUNK production facility. After defeating Kyle the knight, please read Chapter II. After defeating the level, read Chapter III.The scout returns with more information. "Sire, the man in charge of this effort is a knight named Kyle. I don't know anything of his background save that he grew up in the Wildes. Also, he and all of his underlings carry large magical orbs that protect them from magic, so I'd be careful. They seem to be the same orbs that are being shipped to several of the factories. Also, there is another thing you should know. Several THUNKshave already been constructed. They are kept in a containment facility to the east. I'd recommend not trying to break in there until you have the means to defeat them." You consider the scouts words, and are about to dismiss him, when the thought suddenly hits you. Grabbing the man's arm, you stare at him intensely. "Any sign of my sister? With all of this activity I had nearly forgotton that she is still in there. I will never forgivemyself. Please, tell me she is alright." The man thinks for a second, but his features droop and he says, "I'm sorry, sire, but I saw no sign of her. Of couse it is possible she's being held underground." You sigh. "I suppose you are right. Thank you." You dismiss the scout and return to your seat. Silently, while tapping your fingers on your desk, you swear that you will gut this Kyle if even a hair on Catarina's head is out of place when next you see her..!One of your guards pokes his through the door of your office. "M'Lord," he says, "there is a messenger here to see you." You motion to the guard to let the visitor in. A few minutes later, a very old knight enters your chambers. He is barely able to hold himself up, what with all the armor he is wearing. In a shaky old voice, he says, "Good afternoon, Sir Corribus. I bring a message from my leige lord, Sir Kyle." Smart choice, you think!to yourself, to send an old man. He must figure you won't kill an elderly knight. The old man stretches out a gnarled old hand holding a folded piece of paper. You cautiously take the note and dismiss the knight. Sitting down, you unfold the paper and begin reading. "Corribus, it seems Councilor Darrence and his pet witch have underestimated your talents. I must admit I did not believe you had an ally willing to help you. You may be wondering!why I haven't come after you yet. Well, that fop George Winscott seems to have destroyed all of our shipyards, denying us, temporarily, the ability to leave this island. Rest assured, however, that George has paid for his treacherous acts, and his father Robin will be dealt with soon. And your sister... well, she is not yet, but she is becoming one of my favorite toys. Listen closely, Corribus. I do not want to !have to report the news of your escape to Darrence. Though he annoys me, he wields power greater than mine. Return at once, Corribus, and surrender, or I shall show your sister some of the many alternative uses for fine cuttlery. Signed, Sir Kyle." You slam the note down on the table and growl. You'll be back alright. And Sir Kyle will be begging you to let him swallow his fine cuttlery. 2Another message arives by the hand of the same aged knight. "Damn you, Corribus. News of your disappearance is spreading. I grow tired of your stalling. Shall I start sending pieces of your sister next? -Kyle."One of your warehouses catches fire. Unfortunately, you lose alot of wood and food. You must find some resources, and fast.Smoke rises in the distance from a large town. A group of dwarves are hauling a large wheelbarrow towards you. When they notice your army, they freeze and seem to be trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, one of them grabs a horn and blows into it, causing a shrill blast to fill the entire valley. This must be one of the THUNK factories, you decide. It must be destroyed. NThis fiery island seems almost dead. In fact, it IS dead! In the not so distant town, you can barely make out zombies shuffling back and forth carrying metallic objects that sort of resemble arms and legs. This must be one of the THUNK factories, and as such, it must be destroyed.Metallic automatons scramble back and forth down the streets of the industrial town before you. Large, ten foot tall metallic monsters stand erect and immobile in the town plazas, some with missing arms and legs, others nearly completed. Golems, iron and steel, work on ladders and raised platforms around the enormous creatures, attaching metallic parts where needed. This is another factory, you decide. It must be destroyed.In the blistering heat of this desert island, you can make out large groups of ogres in the town to the east working on what could only be more THUNKs. Some are pulling massive wheelbarrows full of large, seven foot long swords and capes that would fit six normal sized men. Others are carrying open boxes filled with enormous circular Orbs. Their efforts must be stopped before these THUNKs become functional.Hidden in the swamp between a copse of tropical trees and a large scum-filled pond is a small town. You can easily make out huge humanoid lumbering around even larger humanoids. The former are certainly too small to be THUNKs, but the later could only be uncompleted specimens of the invulnerable creations. Yet another town that must be captured if you are to halt THUNK production in the area. (read Chapt. 1 after the town is captured). Hidden in the trees is a large pile of wood and crystal. Wow, it certainly is fortuitous that you chose to land in this otherwise useless spot!BpSunken Treasure!B Sunken Treasure!B (#Sunken Treasure!To the west stands an enormous lonely obelisk. Perhaps there is something interesting written on it?OWell, aren't you resourceful?YAn old statue stands innocently in the pasture. Though covered almost completely with lichen, you can tell that the shield it is holding is not made out of stone, but is metal! You grab the shield and it comes loose easily. It seems to be weighted perfectly, so you add it to your collection.FThis is your SECOND warning. Do NOT enter this facility!!!!To get off of this island, you're going to need to be sneaky. Maybe you shouldn't use all of your movement points on this turn?MIt is easier to go right...YDid you get the purple and blue tents??5Lying in several pieces scattered about the ground is one of the THUNKs. It seems the Hogal was correct. They cannot survive without the magic of Mok Choi to sustain them. Well, that means that without the Wizardress, Darrence's scheme will fall to pieces!